Selecting the Right Temporary Recruitment CRM Software

Weekly planner - PrimePRO Recruitment software

Are you:

  • Feeling like your temporary recruitment CRM software is not performing as well as it should?
  • Struggling to see how it saves you time, money and stress?
  • Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start looking or what you’re looking for?

If you answered yes to any of these, then it may be time for you to assess your options
and find software that can help you streamline tasks and run your temp agency like a
well-oiled machine!

Ok… But Where Do I Start?

Selecting the right temporary recruitment CRM software for you can feel like an ongoing
battle, however it’s not only an important business asset but an integral part of your
everyday tasks, so it’s important to get it right from the offset.

So let’s dive into some features you should look for when selecting software for your
temporary recruitment agency:

Automation To Streamline Tasks

First, let’s start with manual processes – every company has some form of manual
process (and probably dislikes them!). Whether it’s filing documents or entering data,
these processes can be tedious, boring, and difficult to ensure accuracy, but often there
isn’t another way around them.

However, a good CRM system will make sure to take away some of that long-winded,
admin-heavy process for you. You’ll want to make sure that the software can automate
tasks, freeing up some of your employee’s time to focus on gaining new business or
speaking with candidates.

With features such as being able to contact candidates straight from PrimePRO, and
with a Google API integration to screen the suitability of a candidate’s location, the
process of managing candidates is made that little bit easier.

Mass Communication System

Being able to communicate with candidates on a large-scale from your CRM system is a
feature that is often overlooked. Finding available candidates quickly can be done with
PrimePRO by sending a text or email to all instantly without your recruiters having to
spend hours manually typing messages from their phone.

If you’re tired of dealing with confused candidates who are unsure of their start dates
and locations, implementing a text message system to send booking confirmations
Selecting the Right Temporary Recruitment CRM Software3directly to their mobile phones can revolutionise your recruitment process.

No more missed appointments or miscommunications; instead, you can usher in an era
of streamlined organisation and efficiency.

Cloud-Based Accessibility

You may also be feeling like your system is too slow, super old, and therefore outdated.
If this is the case, you’ll need to make sure that your system has web-based
accessibility so that you can access it anytime, from anywhere.

No more clunky applications that will leave you waiting while it loads forever. Just
simple, modern access. Imagine that! Well, that’s exactly what PrimePRO offers.

Compliance Management

Now on to compliance management… trust us, we know what a headache continuously
changing regulations can be for agencies. Depending on your agency’s specialism,
whether that’s in education, healthcare, or another industry, you’ll need to make sure
that your CRM has a feature that can keep track of all the right things.

With PrimePRO, you know exactly where you are, alerting you to all compliance items
upcoming or already expired from the Dashboard. Automated email reminders are sent
to the candidates with the upcoming items and upon expiry, advising them that their
compliance item needs updating, with a link to their portal to do it themselves! This
saves you having to chase them and update it for them.

The candidate has their very own portal login, meaning that it automatically asks all the
questions you need to know, and keeps a record of them safe for you. For example, all
employers are required to carry out a Right To Work check prior to any workers starting
employment. It’s important to us to make sure that our system can fulfil all of your
needs in line with your specifications and industry, making your life easier and the
candidate onboarding process quicker.

Booking Management

And what about booking management? Well, without an effective CRM software
system, you will probably be using Excel spreadsheets, calendars, and paper records to
keep track of your bookings… and let’s be honest, it’s a pain! This is not only a slow
process but an extremely inefficient one.

What you really need is an effective system that allows you to make bookings,
automatically send confirmations to your candidates, and provide you with a weekly
plan that is an easily readable and quick snapshot of what you have coming up. That
way, you and your team can never feel unorganised again!

Candidate Registration & Management

Candidate registration can be done directly by the candidate on the login page or by
inviting them to register via the portal.

The candidate portal login page is branded with your logo and typically added to your
website. Most PrimePRO clients add a button or link on their website.

A separate portal for your candidates offers them more engagement with your agency to
self-serve and see all their upcoming bookings, view their timesheets, manage their
availability, updating their details, compliance items, viewing their contracts and
downloading their payslips (if you have PrimePAY).

It means no more annoying email back-and-forths requesting their contact details, CV,
and availability. It creates the opportunity for one simple place where the candidate self-
serves, and does ALL the work for their onboarding, leaving you with one less thing to
worry about.

PrimePRO’s clients have their candidate portal displayed on their website, so anytime a
candidate gets in touch to search for a job, they upload their CV and identification
Selecting the Right Temporary Recruitment CRM Software5documents, answer current compliance questions, and upload their timesheet availability for you to check over and approve at a time convenient for you. It sounds to easy, but candidate management within PrimePRO really is THAT easy.

Payroll Integration

Finally, let’s talk about payroll. Something all temporary recruitment agencies have to do
on a weekly basis, but still known to be the bane of every agency’s existence. You may
currently outsource your payroll needs or employ in-house solutions, but let me tell you
how much easier it would be to have a payroll system integrated within your CRM.

This integration not only eliminates the time-consuming task of switching between
platforms but also empowers your payroll team to seamlessly access candidate
bookings, timesheets, and texting functionalities, all while being supported by a single,
unified technical team. With PrimePAY, you can easily manage your payroll alongside
PrimePRO’s CRM system. This dual functionality perfectly aligns with the multifaceted
needs of recruitment agencies.

All these great features mentioned in this blog article are exactly what PrimePRO offers.
If you’re looking for a no-fuss, easy software system that will streamline your tasks and
save you time, get in touch for a no-obligation demo, and go from feeling like this…

To this!

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Selecting the Right Temporary Recruitment CRM Software

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